I'm sharing a link to a great article on getting children involved with fundraising for good causes.
Pearls from the article include:
"There are so many benefits to introducing children to charity fundraising. These can be educational – learning about different countries, the environment, food chains, war – or related to personal development – altruism, motivation, and achievement."
"...it’s important to pitch the message just right so the children aren’t overwhelmed by the injustice and cruelty in the world..."
I would add the following items:
- Do your best to make sure that kids see exactly what their funds are going to do and who they are going to help. Field trips are a great way to do this.
- Debrief after field trips. Kids pick up on lots of things, but sometimes are unable to process what they've seen and heard. Take time to talk about the experience and emotions they may have had.
- Give kids a chance to choose who they want to help and how they should do it. The lessons will help them develop self-confidence and an increased sense of they can make a difference.
Please chime in here! What advice do you have when getting kids involved in working for good causes?
Photo Credit: Totalaldo