The epiphany of a new global view is like falling in love. It comes in a flood and it seems like new life is being breathed into every cell of your body. It is fun. Its exciting. Its why motivational programs are so energizing.
A few years ago I made a New Year's resolution to use DP to delve into those quiet little mind messages I gave myself that kept me from giving to causes I care about. That process led me to the notion that I could be a courageous giver of time, talent and treasure. I was all excited and I was in love with the new me. Or at least what I thought was the new me.
Well... the idea that an epiphany could automatically transform me is good in theory, but the unfortunate news is that real change required repeated acts of will to begin to really free myself my self-imposed cynical prison. Although probably not a newsflash for those of you who are also walking the path, but personal growth is a lot of hard work. Anyone who tells you different, is selling something.
Another important part of the process of personal growth is to take a minute to plant the flag and take a moment to enjoy being king/queen of the mountain. So, to start 2010, I'm claiming my success. I'm not saying that I've been cured of my cynicism, but I do have some coping skills when those thoughts raise their ugly head.
Now...What's Next?
I'd like to say that I have a clear idea of my new goal. Well... I just don't. However, I'm clear that this is a new chapter. Yet, I'm really struggling to articulate and understand where I'm to go next. I hope this post will officially close out the old and set me on the way of finding the new.
For starters...I've not been as good at blogging over the last couple of years as I had hoped. In my excitement over the fact that I could release my cynicism and give out of abundance and gratitude, it was easy to write. However, when I hit the trenches of actually doing it... well, the words did not come as easy. Now, I realize that writing about the struggle is helpful for those who are also on the same path. That's just not me. For me, writing about the struggle takes me to the edge of whining and puts me back on the precipice of negativity, where I am just one step from the pit. I find I do better when I plow on through and then analyze what I could have done better.
So perhaps a good goal to start with is to use DP to 'plow on through." I know I have neglected it. So lets start a new. My interim goal is to just tap out something once a week. I'm not going to worry about the cohesiveness of the topics. I'm gonna just write about things that strike my fancy, with the hopes that overtime, I'll notice a trend.
I hope that you gentle readers will be patient with me as I incorporate my new voice into a new journey for something more. Please know, that I look forward to your comments and conversation. Afterall, I am one of those people who uses language to define obstacles and propel me forward. In the past, debate here has been quite helpful. So... Chime in!
Happy New Year and Happy Journeying!