I used to describe myself as a helper. I do like helping and I can be really good at it. There is really nothing better than seeing something or someone succeed. In fact, I think my attraction to helping is because it is a task oriented action where one has tangible proof that one has done good.
Now... now... lots of things have changed in my life over the last year an a half. Subsequently, I think how I describe myself has also changed a bit. Yes, I continue to like helping, but today I would more describe myself as a thankful person. I say this because I find my impetus for action is not really so much because I can see progress, but more because I feel I am so fortunate and blessed.
Like most everyone else in these economic times, I am concerned about the days ahead of us. If I am not careful, I can let my worries about our family's tight budget get to me. However, it is essential that we remember that we all are much more than just our incomes and expenditures.
My friend, Courtney, reminds me that we all have time, talent and treasures and they all are equally important in the whole scheme of things. Additionally, the amount of these given is of no real consequence.
The act of giving, in and of itself, is sufficient and transforming.
The act of giving of your time, talent or treasure requires one to examine what they have and determine where one has been blessed. By giving away what you have, you claim areas of abundance in your life. That's right.... abundance. That lesson has transformed me--- no longer just a helper, now I recognize areas of abundance and am exceedingly thankful for them.
That's not to say that the act of giving is not scary. That is simply not the case. I always battle the idea that I am a fool for helping or giving. What happens if it doesn't make a difference? What happens if someone takes advantage of my willingness to give? What if that homeless person takes that $5 I gave him and buys a bottle of MadDog 20/20 instead of buying some food?
The great thing about giving of your time, talent or treasure is that as long as it is freely given, without agenda or expectations, it is always a win. After you give it away, how it is used reflects solely on the receiver.
With that said, what areas of life do you feel blessed or fortunate? Do you have a talent or a gift? Do you get along well with kids, the elderly or animals? Do you have a few extra hours? Do you have a few extra dollars?
Remember, it is not the amount that matters. It is the fact you act.
Where do you have abundance and how will you share it?
Thanks to Suchitra Prints for the photo.
You are so correct - everyone has something to give. It can be a smile to a stranger that is having a bad day, it can be your $5.00 that you were going to use for lunch. When we aren't worried about how much or who or even what is going to be done with it, it is "always a win".
Thanks for a great site!
Posted by: Marie | October 18, 2008 at 09:53 PM