OK-- I'm a bit of a tree fanatic. I hate greedy land developers who clear cut property to put in concrete, shopping centers, or tract homes. The trees were there first--- so don't they deserve a little consideration and respect?!?!?! Its not like they can pack their tree bags, get on their tree feet and mosey on across the road to a new home.
OK--- off my soap box...
Deforestation is a huge problem for many places in the world--- and I'm not just talking about clear cutting an acre or two. We're talking vast stretches of land where the destruction is so profound that environmental disasters are in the making. Such is the case with the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, the most endangered tropical forest in all of the world, where only7% of the original forest remains.
The Nature Conservancy has a relatively new program, Plant a Billion Trees, where your single $1 puts a new tree in the Atlantic Forest. Click here to read the press release that tells you more about the Atlantic Forest and the goals of the campaign. The cool thing is that your dollar actually mobilizes more dollars to help solve this problem:
"Visitors (to Plantabillion.org) can also plant a tree by donating to the campaign – just one dollar can make a real difference. For every dollar donated, our goal is to leverage at least three dollars by mobilizing governments, farmers, communities, businesses, and NGOs to support the Atlantic Forest reforestation."
So drop by www.plantabillion.org to read about the Atlantic Forest, it's inhabitants, and how your dollar can help.